OSTicket Maintenance Request System at Gorman Heritage Farm

With 122 acres, 17 separate structures, and only 7 full-time staff, Gorman Heritage Farm in Evendale, OH has always struggled to meet the maintenance needs of its site. Without a defined maintenance request system, the Farm had no way to track necessary maintenance, to identify and address safety hazards, nor to prioritize and assign service tasks.  As Director of Operations, I implemented an open-source software solution in OSTicket, a powerful support ticketing system to address this need.

Running on a linode cloud server, the Farm’s OSTicket build allows Farm staff to send maintenance requests to support@gormanfarm.org to automatically open a support ticket.  Each ticket is given an individual number and can be tracked via the online, mobile-responsive dashboard.  These tickets can also be assigned to staff members and to volunteers, with communication regarding each request recorded, and staff notifications being sent out when each issue is resolved.  I have also integrated the Farm’s IT support into this system as well.

Since implemention in 2018, this request system has processed over 250 individual tickets, resulting in quicker, more responsive site and facility maintenance at no cost to the Farm.

Gorman Heritage Farm
Evendale, OH
Online cloud software
Linux, OSTicket, GSuite