
Malaria Training of Trainers Conference, Eastern Province, Zambia

While serving in the Peace Corps, I participated in the Peace Corps Zambia Malaria Committee which organized volunteer efforts in mitigating malaria throughout the country.

Through that committee, I organized a Malaria Training of Trainers (TOT) in Eastern Province Zambia held in July 2015.  Coordination of the conference involved working with partner NGOs and government entities involved in the US President’s Malaria initiative, including USAID, Malaria No More, Stomp Out Malaria, and the Zambian Ministry of Health. The training, held in July 2015, involved 10 volunteers and 11 Zambian counterparts.

Representatives from the Eastern Provincial Health Office gave presentations on current malaria trends and the distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS), while volunteers gave presentations on the spread of Malaria. Volunteers and Counterparts received training on the complexity of malaria transmission, key interventions, and how the supply chain for test kits and treatment kits works in Zambia.  The conference resulted in a number of initiatives, including a bednet beautification project for students to learn about malaria and to add fabric to the bottom of nets to make them more durable.